The International Observatory of Lawyers in Danger (OIAD) submits an Amicus Curiae brief to the Constitutional Court of Colombia in the &…
May 24th, 2021
The International Observatory of Endangered Lawyers (OIAD…
The Consiglio Nazionale Forense (Italy), with lawyer Francesco Caia, assumes the Presidency of the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger …
Am 6. April 2021 begann der Prozess gegen Roberto David Castillo Mejía im Fall Berta Cáceres. Die Expertenbeobachtungsmission (an der die Internationale…
Honduras: Prozessbeginn wegen der geistigen
Urheberschaft des Mordes an Berta Cáceres
Die Internationale Qualifizierte Beobachtermission, an…
Take action!
5th April, on the International lawyer’s day in Turkey, the International Observatory of Lawyers in Danger…
GUATEMALA : Le Bureau du droit des peuples autochtones et l’Association des avocates autochtones Chomij’a dénoncent un acte…
[Foto: Jorge Mahencha / Wikipedia]
30 de octubre de 2019