Participation of the OIAD in the “European Law Summit for Legal Professionals” in Madrid
The European Law Summit brought together EU law professionals with the clear aim of enhancing their knowledge of EU law and amplifying its impact. During a series of in-depth discussions, participants examined the EU’s medium- and long-term challenges, tackling topics such as the Green Pact, legislation on artificial intelligence, relations with Latin America, the health of the rule of law, and the European Pact on Migration.
The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger took part in the European Law Summit, contributing to the panel dedicated to “The defence of human rights by persecuted lawyers”. This provided an exceptional platform to promote the protection of lawyers defending human rights around the world. By taking part in this prestigious event, the Observatory extended its influence and attracted the attention of European players, thereby consolidating its crucial role in the protection of lawyers engaged in the defence of fundamental rights. Bénédicte Graulle, a member of the OIAD Board, spoke on 17 November at 9 :30am.
Furthermore, the OIAD played a significant role as an observer during the drafting of the Convention on the Protection of Lawyers, currently being negotiated in Strasbourg under the aegis of the Council of Europe. This participation bears witness to the Observatory’s ongoing commitment to promoting international standards aimed at ensuring the safety and integrity of lawyers in the exercise of their profession.
The OIAD would like to thank the Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacia de Madrid (ICAM), one of the Observatory’s active members, for its kind invitation to take part in this event. This unique opportunity offered by the ICAM strengthens its determination to go further in the defence of the defence, to broaden its influence and to work tirelessly for the protection of lawyers who, through their commitment, make a significant contribution to the promotion of human rights and justice in the world.