Burkinabe lawyers Gontran Somé and Christian Kaboré were kidnapped between Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso on 10 October…
Paris, 17 October 2024 – Richard Sédillot, member of the Rouen Bar and Board member of the…
The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger co-signed the joint statement calling for the…
After becoming a lawyer in Iran and dedicating her practice to human rights, Forough was threatened on several occasions for her…
Sonia Dahmani sentenced on appeal by the Tunisian courts
The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger travelled to Tunisia alongside…
The Maison des Avocats de Paris hosted the 7th Ordinary General Meeting of the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger on 20 June…
Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bern, Bologna, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Colmar, Cologne, Dhaka, Dusseldorf, Gaza, Grenoble, Harlem, London,…
The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD) strongly condemns the very serious threats published on 3 July 2024 on the far-right…
Gaspard Lindon, lawyer at the Bar in Paris and delegate of the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD), travelled to Diyarbakir on May 1
“A joint report by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders—a partnership between the International Federation for Human Rights …