BANGLADESH: Human rights lawyer Shahanur Islam assaulted in court.
VENEZUELA: Human rights lawyer Engels Wladimir Puertas victim of arbitrary detention, torture, serious threats and criminalisation of his work
Haiti: Robinson Pierre-Louis, lawyer and general secretary of the Federation of Haitian Bars, has been arrested
Iran: The iranian lawyer Mohammad Ali Dadkhah has been arrested and sent to prison to serve a sentence that was handed down more than ten years ago
COLOMBIA:Human rights lawyer Andrea Torres Bautista, a has been victim of kidnapping, serious threats and gender-based violence, as well as the theft of sensitive information in a cyber attack 4 July 2022 Andrea Torres Bautista is a human rights…
COLOMBIA: Human rights lawyer María Alejandra Garzón Mora has been subjected to serious threats, cyber-attacks, surveillance and verbal attacks
Guatemala: The Observatory denounces the judicial harassment suffered by Claudia Paz y Paz.
Mexico: The Observatory condemns the murder of women’s rights lawyer Cecilia Monzón
Colombia: The Observatory condemns the harassment of lawyer Luz Estella Romero Villalba and her family 4 May 2022 Luz Estella Romero Villalba is under severe attack for her work as a human rights lawyer in Colombia. The harassment is directed…
Guatemala: Criminalisation and hindrance of former members of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) legal practice
Mexico: The Observatory condemns the murder of lawyer and indigenous rights defender Patricia Rivera Reyes
Tunisia: criminal investigation against the lawyer and former president of the Tunisian Bar Association Abderrazak Kilani, the Observatory expresses its concern.
China: The Observatory calls on the Chinese authorities to ensure the full and unconditional release of lawyer Yu Wensheng
Mexico: The Observatory calls on the Mexican authorities to ensure an effective, diligent and thorough investigation into the situation of Ms. Guerrero.
HONDURAS: “Justicia para los Pueblos” law firm denounces intimidation in the trial of the Guapinol Defenders’ case The Honduran law firm “Justicia para los Pueblos” is specialised in the legal assistance of peasant and indigenous populations…
Lawyer Akum Michael Nche was abducted in Bamenda by unidentified gunmen on Saturday 15 January 2022.
Nicaragua: Nicaraguan lawyer José Arnulfo López Cruz is forced into exile to avoid arrest for his legal defence of political prisoners.
Nicaragua: Lawyer Eilyn Margarita Cruz Rojas into forced exile
Chawki Tabib, lawyer at the Tunis Bar, former President of the Tunis Bar Association and President of the National Authority for the Fight against Corruption, placed under house arrest.
The election of lawyer Firmin Yangambi to the Bar of the Tshopo region arbitrarily cancelled