TUNISIA: Release on the mission of the President of the Nice Bar Association

TUNISIA: Release on the mission of the President of the Nice Bar Association

Bar President Adrien VERRIER was in Tunis from July 26 to 28, 2023 to meet with three lawyers currently incarcerated: Ridha BELHAJ and Ghazi CHAOUACHI (incarcerated since February 25, 2023), and Nourredine BHIRI (incarcerated since February 14, 2023).


This mission was also an opportunity to organize a conference on the theme of “lawyer immunity” alongside Bar President Abdessattar BEN MOUSSA, President of the Tunisian League for Human Rights (LTDH) which, along with three other organizations (ONAT, UGTT, UTICA) making up the “National Dialogue Quartet”, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015.

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