Akum Michael Nche


Cameroon: Kidnapping of lawyer Akum Michael Nche, Treasurer of the Cameroon Bar Association

25 janvier 2022


Lawyer Akum Michael Nche was abducted in Bamenda by unidentified gunmen on Saturday 15 January 2022. 

Mr. Michael Nche was with his family when armed men broke into his home in Bamenda. They pushed him to the ground and threatened to kill him and his children if they did not get money. After collecting money, phones and other goods, the lawyer was abducted and driven in his vehicle to an unknown destination. Mr. Michael Nche was released later that day. He and his wife had already suffered an attempted kidnapping in 2019.

The situation of lawyers in Cameroon is deteriorating. The Cameroonian authorities must take the necessary measures to protect lawyers in the exercise of their functions. 

The Observatory wishes to remind the Cameroonian authorities of the basic principles relating to the role of the Bar adopted in Havana in 1990, in particular principles 16 and 17: 

«Governments shall ensure that lawyers (a) are able to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference;» (Principe 16)

«Where the security of lawyers is threatened as a result of discharging their functions, they shall be adequately safeguarded by the authorities.» (Principe 17)
