COLOMBIA: Preview and round table discussion on the documentary about the Colombian lawyer Adil Meléndez
On 27 February, the “Teatro del barrio” in Madrid hosted the preview of the documentary “Desterrados: Voces de Resistencia”, where a glimpse of what this series about the work and life of Colombian lawyer Adil Meléndez could look like was presented.
This documentary was co-financed by the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger, to support the visibility of the lawyer’s work defending the rights of Afro-Colombian communities in the Caribbean region.
Following the screening, several thematic panels were held, during which experts in the defence of human rights in Colombia analysed the socio-political context and the personal security situation of Adil Meléndez. Gonzalo Sáenz, representative of the OIAD, presented the background to the work that the OIAD has carried out on behalf of the lawyer since 2018.
Recently, the lawyer reported that his bodyguards had informed him that the National Protection Unit (UNP)[1] had withdrawn its security plan. As a result, the Observatory has been mobilised to ensure that the lawyer can return to his country with guarantees of safety.
“Ever since I began my struggle as a lawyer, I have made sure that I have back-up, always someone behind me to support me, and that is the international organisations. A simple photo can save a life”, stated the lawyer to close the event.
[1] The National Protection Unit – UNP is the Colombian institution responsible for identifying and managing prevention and protection measures for people and communities whose lives and integrity are threatened by the development of their activities.