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31 January 2025

The OIAD was dismayed and appalled to find out about a video posted on X by the media outlet “Frontières”, featuring the content of a special issue of the same outlet entitled “Invasion migratoire, les coupables” (“migratory invasion: those guilty”), in which several lawyers are mentioned by name as the lawyers who “defend the most illegal immigrants in France”.

In this error-ridden report, a number of French lawyers are named and shamed as the “culprits of migratory chaos”.

Accused of “doing business with illegal immigrants”, these lawyers are accused of working with an association providing legal support to exiles and of being paid under the legal aid scheme.

Some have since received death threats on social networks.

The Observatory strongly condemns this outrageous stigmatisation of lawyers, exposing them to threats in a climate fuelled by dangerous statements by public authorities who capitalise on the fear of others by mobilising the rhetoric of the flooding of foreigners into France.

The Observatory expresses its full support and solidarity with the colleagues named.

The Observatory points out that lawyers are essential players in the exercise of the rights of litigants and, as such, a vital link in the rule of law.

The Observatory recalls that legal aid is a legal mechanism enabling all persons to exercise their rights, in accordance with the United Nations basic principles on the role of Lawyers, which provide that “Governments shall ensure that efficient procedures and responsive mechanisms for effective and equal access to lawyers are provided for all persons within their territory and subject to their jurisdiction, without distinction of any kind, such as discrimination based on race, colour, ethnic origin, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, economic or other status (Principle no. 2).

The Observatory calls on the French authorities to immediately take all necessary measures to protect our colleagues at risk and to condemn these abuses, which are unacceptable in a democratic state.