OIAD takes parts in a fact finding mission in Turkey

OIAD takes parts in a fact finding mission in Turkey

OIAD takes parts in a fact finding mission in Turkey to review and document breaches of fair trial, independence of the judiciary and principles on the role of Lawyers.


For years now, European organizations follow mass trials against human rights lawyers in Turkey.

 For the first time, a group of 15 lawyers from 7 European countries met in Istanbul from 13 till 15 October 2019 for a fact-finding mission to clarify the legal circumstances that led to the conviction of 18 Turkish lawyers for being member or supporter of a terrorist group in March 2019.

The observations of these two mass trials raised serious concerns about the respect of the rights of the accuse and the defense lawyers. The report endorsed by more than 20 Bar associations and lawyers organizations including the OIAD demonstrate the violations of guarantees in criminal procedures protected by the European Convention of Human rights and the Basic Principles on the role of lawyers and give a general overview as regards the independence of judiciary and the rule of law principles.


Find the full report HERE.