International Observatory of Lawyers at Risk
In December 2024, Ms Helin Köse, Secrétaire de la Conférence des avocats du Barreau de Paris, travelled to Istanbul representing the OIAD to observe the trial hearing of lawyer Betül Vangölü Kozağaçlı, accused of belonging to the DHKP-C group for having defended its members in the past in other trials.
Report date : October 2024 The International Caravana of Jurists was created in response to the call from lawyers in Colombia who were at risk. Through the campaign ‘Without lawyers, there is no justice,’ they managed to gather legal professionals from around the world. Sixteen years later, the Caravana still plays a key role in monitoring the situation of lawyers and human rights defenders in Colombia every two years, with the support of international organisations.This year, the 8th International Delegation included eight organisations, including the OIAD, and 22 lawyers from Europe, Canada, and South America. In this edition the OIAD was represented by Alfredo Irujo, Roland Rodriguez and Stéphane Haziza. In 2024, the delegation focused on the barriers to accessing justice, especially from the perspectives of ethnic groups, peasants, gender, and victims. In August 2024, the Caravana visited five important regions and documented serious human rights violations, while also noting the local efforts to resist these challenges. Download the forecast report:
TURKEY: Observation of the hearings of Betül Vangölü Kozagaçlı and Seda Şaraldı and visits to the lawyers Behiç Aşçı, Oya Aslan, Barkın Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal, in the prisons of Silivri and Edirne
Date of the report: October 2024 The alternative report by the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger was recently presented at the 49th session of the 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council on Turkey. This report, already received by the United Nations, highlights in particular the persecution of human rights lawyers in Turkey and the lack of protection by the Turkish authorities, focusing on three main points: Mass persecution of lawyers related to their work; Torture and other ill-treatment under arrests of lawyers; Lack of judicial independence and fair trial guarantees; In response to these comments, the Observatory’s recommendations have been forceful, highlighting the following: Ensure that lawyers in Turkey are able to carry out all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; Release lawyers who have been imprisoned for the legitimate exercise of their profession; Transparently investigate incidents of harassment or intimidation of lawyers, torture and ill-treatment claims, with appropriate sanctions against the perpetrators of such actions. Download the report
Date of the report: August 2024 In a joint report, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders—a partnership between the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)—and the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD) present findings from the judicial observation of the first hearing in the trial of Eren Keskin and Güllistan Yarkın, from the Human Rights Association (IHD). Both were accused of “publicly denigrating the Turkish Nation” following their statements at the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day on April 24, 2021 and acquitted on May 2, 2024. The prosecutor has appealed against their acquittal and the appellate review is ongoing. Read the joint mission report: Read the joint press release on the mission on our website.
The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger has submitted an alternative report to the 48th session of the 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council on Iran.
Date of the report: May 2024 On 20 June 2024, at the OIAD General Assembly, the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger activity report for 2023/2024 has been adopted. Download the report:
Date of the report: June 2024 The President of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, Tahir Elçi, was murdered on 28 November 2015 in a shooting attack during a public lecture at the foot of the 500-year-old “four-legged” minaret. He was about to make a statement on the destruction that had occurred in recent months in the historic district of Sur, the old town of Diyarbarkir, during fighting between special forces sent by Ankara and Kurdish militants. Several representatives of international legal and human rights organisations attended the final hearing of the emblematic trial of the murderers of Tahir Elçi in Diyarbakir, Turkey. The 10th and final hearing resulted in the acquittal of the police officers suspected of killing former Bar President of Diyarbakir. Download the full report:
Date of the report: May 2024 Gaspard Lindon, lawyer at the Bar in Paris and delegate of the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD), travelled to Diyarbakir on May1st alongside Françoise Cotta, member of ASF-DS and associate of the OIAD. Ms Burgun had been accused of being involved in conspiratorial activities within the PKK. She was finally acquitted on 2 May by the Diyarbakir Court. Read the full report (FR):
Date of the report: June 2024 The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger and the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), went to Istanbul, Turkey. Together, the organisations mobilised to support the Saturday Mothers and their lawyers. Read the joint mission report: Read the joint press release on the mission on our website.
Date of the document: June 2024 OIAD REPORT: A LOOK BACK AT THE EMBLEMATIC TRIAL OF FORMER BAR PRESIDENT TAHIR ELÇI’S MURDERERS As we approach the final phase of the trial for the assassination of the former President of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, Tahir Elçi, on 28 November 2015, the OIAD has prepared a graphic leaflet recapitulating the Tahir Elçi’s murder trial, which is available in several languages. Download the document :
Date of the report: May 2024 On June 14, 2023, around 300 human rights lawyers, judges, reporters, and associations worldwide attended online and in-person to the third edition of the International Fair Trial Day (IFTD) and Ebru Timtik Award. The Conference had the participation as panellists of eminent lawyers, human rights defenders, victims and academics from Mexico, as well as members of the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers. The report released today summarizes the issues addressed at the Conference, especially on the fair trial abuses and violations occurring in Mexico. The panellists addressed issues such as the excessive use of pretrial detention and the constitutional requirement that judges impose mandatory pre-trial detention on some crimes, attacks to judicial independence many courts and judges are facing, the lack of justice in cases of enforced disappearances and torture, as well as the unequal access to justice and the incredible cost for women and indigenous peoples that face impunity. Download the report:
Report date : April 2024 The report on Nicaragua by the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger was recently presented at the 47th session of the 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council. The report, which has already been received by the United Nations, particularly emphasises the lack of protection of the legal profession by the Nicaraguan authorities, focusing on the following four points: The use of the law as a tool to persecute lawyers specialising in the defence of human rights; The obstruction of justice and violations of the right to due process; The widespread persecution of human rights lawyers; The failure of the State to fulfil its duty to protect. In response to these comments, the Observatory’s recommendations were both clear and concise, highlighting the following points: Ensuring that the legal profession can be carried out without intimidation, obstacles, harassment or undue interference. Put an end to all persecution, criminalisation and prosecution of lawyers for practising their profession. Initiate proceedings to restore legal qualifications to those who have been deprived of them. Download the report
Date of the report: March 2024 The President of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, Tahir Elçi, was murdered on 28 November 2015 in a shooting attack during a public lecture at the foot of the 500-year-old “four-legged” minaret. He was about to make a statement on the destruction that had occurred in recent months in the historic district of Sur, the old town of Diyarbarkir, during fighting between special forces sent by Ankara and Kurdish militants. In this 9th hearing, all the lawyers who took the stand in turn denounced in unison the same errors and shortcomings in the investigation, as well as the passivity of the prosecuting authorities and the Court. Download the full report :
Date of the report: February 2024 “Between 6 and 10 November 2023, an international delegation representing 27 law societies, bar associations, human rights groups and legal groups (…) undertook a fact-finding mission to Turkey to interview eight lawyers who have been arrested and detained in circumstances that raise a range of human rights concerns. The delegation also observed two court hearings, the first concerning the criminal proceedings against twelve lawyers who are members of the Association of Libertarian Jurists (ÖHD) and the second a review hearing for the pre-trial detention of Ms Gülhan Kaya, a prominent human rights lawyer.” Download the report (EN):
Date of the report: December 2023 On Wednesday 29 November 2023, the 8th hearing in the trial for the assassination of Bar President Tahir Elçi in Diyarbakir, Turkey, was observed by Barbara Porta (member of Torino Bar), Benedetta Perego (member of Torino Bar) and Adam Zaki (member of Geneva Bar). Download the full report:
Date of the report: July 2023 On Wednesday 5 July 2023, the 7th hearing in the trial for the assassination of Bar President Tahir Elçi in Diyarbakir, Turkey, was observed by Franck Heurtrey (member of the Lyon Bar) and Jean-Baptiste Farcy (member of the Brussels Bar). On this occasion, the members visited the lawyer Turan Canpolat, who has been incarcerated in Elazig prison since 2016. Download the full report:
Bar President Adrien VERRIER was in Tunis from July 26 to 28, 2023 to meet with three lawyers currently incarcerated: Ridha BELHAJ and Ghazi CHAOUACHI (incarcerated since February 25, 2023), and Nourredine BHIRI (incarcerated since February 14, 2023). This mission was also an opportunity to organize a conference on the theme of “lawyer immunity” alongside Bar President Abdessattar BEN MOUSSA, President of the Tunisian League for Human Rights (LTDH) which, along with three other organizations (ONAT, UGTT, UTICA) making up the “National Dialogue Quartet”, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015. Read the full release
Date of the report: May 2023 On 16 June 2023, at the General Assembly, the members of the Bureau presented the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger activity report for 2022/2023. Download the report:
Report date: June 2023 On 1 June 2023, an OIAD delegation, formed by observers Barbara Porta (member of the Torino Bar) and Adriana Vignoni (member of Brescia Bar) attended the hearing of the case against lawyer Efkan Bolac, prosecuted for insulting the President of the Republic and acquitted in this hearing. Download the report:
Report date : May 2023 “Confronting impunity: Protect Lawyers and Judicial Independence” is the title of the VII International Caravan of Jurists Report in Colombia, in which 6 delegates from the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger participated (Edmond-Claude Frety, Roland Rodriguez, Beatriz Gil, Gonzalo Sáenz, Carles McGragh et Agueda Teja) . This report documents the findings of the visit in August 2022 by the VII International Caravana of Jurists to Colombia. Download the full report: Read the summary of the report:
Report date: April 2023 On 24 April 2023, an international delegation composed of representatives of the OIAD, DSF AS, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Netherlands Bar attended the hearing of the case against the former President of the Izmir Bar , Özkan Yücel and ten Bar Councillors (2018-2021 period). The OIAD delegation was formed by two observers: Adrien Verrier, President of the Nice Bar and Antonio Fraticelli, member of the Bologna Bar. Download the report:
Date of the report : November 2022 On 15 June 2022, a delegation from the OIAD, the Geneva Bar Association and secretaries of the Paris Bar Conference attended the 5th hearing of the defendants in the Bar President Tahir Elçi assassination case. On 28 November 2015, Tahir Elçi was shot dead while holding a press conference he had organised at the “four-legged minaret” in Diyarbakır to denounce the serious human rights violations committed during the curfews in Cizre, Sur, Silopi and Nusaybin, and to make a public appeal for the protection of cultural property and heritage during the conflict. The observer delegation presents this comprehensive report which includes the background, the course of the 15 June 2022 hearing, as well as a critical analysis of the trial and the hearing. Download the report:
A retrospective of the destruction of a profession: 15 August 2021 – 15 August 2022
The first meeting of the Committee was held in Strasbourg from April 6 to 8.
Date of the report: May 2022 On 20 May 2022, at the General Assembly, the members of the Bureau presented the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger activity report for 2021/22. Download the report:
Date of the report: September 2021 This report is produced by the delegation of the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD for its french acronym) during the joint judicial observation mission carried out in Istanbul from 15 to 20 September 2021. It is a complement to the report of the previous joint judicial observation mission carried out in Istanbul from 4 to 8 April 2021 by the OIAD, the General Council of Spanish Lawyers, the Geneva Bar and the Paris Bar . More specifically, this report deals with the two hearings of 15 and 20 September 2021 respectively in the CHD I and II trial before the 18th Criminal Chamber of Istanbul concerning Barkin Timtik and Selçuk Kozağaçlı and in the case concerning Oya Aslan and Günay Dağ before the 37th Criminal Chamber of Istanbul. It also covers the visits to lawyers in prison that were carried out by the OIAD delegation on 16 and 17 September 2021 along with twenty-four other delegations. Download the report:
Turkey : Report on the Observation Mission of the OIAD (OHD & CHD I Trials)
OIAD presents the Country File: Colombia on the endangered legal profession in this country and, in particular, on the use of justice as a persecution mechanism against Colombian lawyers.
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