TURKEY: Postcards Solidarity Operation for 10 detained lawyers

TURKEY: Postcards Solidarity Operation for 10 detained lawyers

Take action!

5th April, on the International lawyer’s day in Turkey, the International Observatory of Lawyers in Danger launches a fraternity card operation, intended for 10 lawyers currently in jail, in order to demonstrate the support from the international community of lawyers.

The OIAD aims to support and and invite the international community to visibilize the situation of lawyers in Turkey. The targeted lawyers are:

Click on the name of each lawyer to access to the corresponding postcard that you may print, share and publish freely.

These postcards must mandatorily be written in Turkish language. If not, they will not be transmitted to their recipient. You may of course sign your postcards. The content is the following:

Dear (Name of the lawyer recipient),

As the International Observatory of Lawyers in Danger, we wish to emphasise that you constantly remain in our thoughts. Be assured of our warmest feelings and of our solidarity.


The OIAD encourages you to take action on this solidarity operation.

A warm thank you for your support!


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