GUATEMALA: The OIAD urges the Guatemala Bar and Notary Association to guarantee a free and independent electoral process

GUATEMALA: The OIAD urges the Guatemala Bar and Notary Association to guarantee a free and independent electoral process

The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD) expresses its deep concern about recent events in the electoral process of the Guatemalan Bar Association (CANG).

The second round of elections to the CANG Bar Council, the highest institutional representation of the Guatemalan legal profession, will take place on 14 February. This is a particularly important process, as it will determine the composition of the nomination committees responsible for electing the Attorney General of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the magistrates of the Supreme Electoral Court and the Constitutional Court, whose appointments will coincide in 2026.

However, this electoral process has been marred by a series of disinformation and defamation campaigns against certain candidates, as well as the arrest of lawyer Eduardo Masaya, who is taking part in the joint Planilla 10 candidacy.

The Observatory recalls that the independence of the legal profession is one of the main indicators of democratic health and the consolidation of the rule of law, in compliance with the provisions of the United Nations Principles on the Role of Lawyers.

The Observatory urges the Electoral Tribunal of the Guatemalan Bar Association to ensure the transparency, impartiality and legality of the electoral process, guaranteeing that it takes place without undue interference.

The Observatory calls on the Guatemalan authorities to respect and protect the independence of the Guatemalan Bar.

The Observatory will closely follow developments in this electoral process and related events, reaffirming its commitment to supporting the defence of fundamental rights in Guatemala.