‘709 Crackdown 2.0’ : Global call against China’s renewed crackdown on human rights lawyers
Today, we mark China…
Deux délégués de l’Observatoire se sont rendus à Diyarbakir ce mercredi 5 juillet, afin d’observer la septième audience du procès pénal…
The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger (OIAD) has sent a statement to the Nicaraguan authorities expressing its concern at the Supreme…
“Confronting impunity: Protect Lawyers and Judicial Independence” is the title of the VII International Caravan of…
Engin Akyurt / Pexels / 2010
Efkan Bolac, avvocato dell’Ordine…
8 marzo 2023
In occasione della Giornata internazionale dei…
The Left / Flickr / 2012
In una dichiarazione congiunta,…
Ogni anno, il 24 gennaio, la Giornata internazionale dell’avvocato in pericolo mobilita la comunità internazionale sui problemi e i rischi attinenti…
The 3rd meeting of the Committee of experts on the Protection of Lawyers (CJ-AV) in charge of drafting an international legal instrument on the protection…