NICARAGUA: Die Menschenrechtsverteidigerin Leyla Carolina Prado muss wegen ihrer Verteidigung politischer Gefangener ins Exil gehen
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Lawyer Mushibi Kabwende Fabu assaulted and tortured
Besetzte Krim/Russland: Der Menschenrechtsanwalt Aleksey Ladin wurde am 25. Juli 2024 aus der regionalen Anwaltskammer von Tjumen ausgeschlossen, weil er „gegen den Ethikkodex der russischen Anwaltskammer verstoßen“ habe. Der Ausschluss erfolgte,…
IRAN: Mohammad Seifzadeh von der iranischen Justiz zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt
Turkey: On 2 July 2024, lawyers Naim Eminoğlu and Doğa İncesu were arrested following a raid on their homes. The two lawyers, both members of the Association of Progressive Lawyers („ÇHD“) in Turkey, were due to appear in court for a…
EQUATORIAL GUINEA: Lawyer Gemma Jones disbarred for two years
Tunisia: Mahdi Zagrouba was arrested on Monday 13 May at the Lawyers‘ House in Tunis. This followed the arrest of his colleague, Sonia Dahmani, two days earlier.
TUNESIEN: Anwalt Noureddine Bhiri nach 15-tägigem Hungerstreik im Gefängnis als Notfall ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert
Lebanon: Mohamad Sablouh is a Lebanese lawyer who specialises in the defence of human rights. He has been involved in denouncing the unlawful deportation of Syrian refugees from Lebanon to Syria. Through his social networks, he has highlighted…
CHINA: The Observatory denounces the disappearance of the lawyer Tang Jitian, his arbitrary detention incommunicado in a secret location, the silence of the Chinese authorities and the censorship imposed on this arbitrary detention by the Chinese…
Crimea: Emil Kurbedinov is a Crimean human rights lawyer.The winner of the 2017 Front Line Defenders award is particularly active in the defence of human rights in Russian-occupied Crimea. On 15 February 2024, he was targeted by the Russian de-facto…
Russia: Bakhrom Khamroev is a Russian lawyer and human rights activist. He is a member of the Human Rights Centre „Memorial“ and is on the Russian government’s list of political opponents. Repeatedly targeted by the authorities, he…
Angola: Das Internationale Observatorium für bedrohte Anwälte ist besorgt über die Situation des angolanischen Anwalts Zola Ferreira Bambi. Er engagiert sich seit über zehn Jahren für die Verteidigung der Menschenrechte und wird von den…
Russland: Die russischen Behörden gaben am Freitag, dem 16. Februar, bekannt, dass Alexej Nawalny, der erste politische Gegner des Präsidenten der Russischen Föderation, Wladimir Putin, im Gefängnis gestorben war. Der Anwalt und politische Aktivist…
Palestine: On 19 January 2024, Diala Ayesh was arrested by Israeli forces in Bethlehem. Currently in administrative detention for unknown reasons since 23 January 2024, she is being held in conditions that are inappropriate and incompatible with…
COLOMBIE: Adil Meléndez Márquez, avocat des droits de l’Homme menacé.
Iran: Kurdische Anwältin Golaheh Vatandoust von der Islamischen Republik Iran zu mehr als sechs Jahren Haft verurteilt
Burkina Faso: Between Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 January 2024, Guy Hervé Kam was arrested by a group of undercover men at Ouagadougou airport, who then took him away in an unmarked car.
Colombia: The Observatory condemns the new threats received by lawyer Yessika Hoyos Morales in the context of her professional activity before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP).
GUATEMALA: Hearing of lawyer Claudia Gonzalez suspended